Slimming diet - 10 recommendations for weight loss
You're trying to lose weight but no diet works?
Maybe you're subconsciously making mistakes when you lose weight. Adequate weight loss is a multi-step process and takes place over time. A healthy, balanced diet for weight loss, combined with physical activity, can work wonders. Don't give up - check out how to avoid dietary errors.1. Prepare your body for a diet
The first step in weight loss should be to cleanse the body. You can do this by introducing "liquid" days, for example, every 3 or 4 days for the first 2 weeks. These days, take only freshly prepared drinks, juices, and soups. This will cause your stomach to shrink a little and your body will give up water.
But this is only the basis for starting to lose weight. You can't stop there, as unfortunately many women often do.
In the next stage (10-12 days after the weight loss begins), the water balance evens out and the fat tissue begins to decrease. If you don't notice any weight loss in the following week, don't worry. This does not mean that you are not losing weight, but that your body composition is changing - there are less fat and more water.
2. You must be patient while losing weight.
It is important to know that slimming is a multi-step and time-dependent process. It is not about losing a lot of weight quickly, but about losing weight permanently. It is, therefore, preferable to take small steps, gradually changing your eating habits.
It is better for your health to lose half to one kilo per week. So if you want to lose 10 kg, it takes 2.5 to 3 months to lose weight. You should spend the same amount of time getting off your diet, which is just as important as losing weight.
3. A balanced diet
A healthy diet consists of a a variety of products. It should include fruit and vegetables, but also meat (white, poultry and red - the best-absorbed source of iron). The body also needs carbohydrates and even some fats.
But the most important is protein. When losing weight, we need to provide it in exceptional amounts, so that the body does not draw energy from burning muscle cells. We need about 1 g of protein for 1 kg of body weight.
In an ideal diet, 30% of calories should come from fat, 15% from protein, 55% from carbohydrates (whole grain products - vegetables, legumes, wholemeal bread, brown rice and pasta, groats). To put it figuratively: half of a lunch dish is made up of vegetables, 1/4 - meat or fish, the rest is made up of grain products.
During a low-energy diet, the body slows down metabolic processes. If after a few weeks of weight loss you start eating a lot again, the unburnt food will be converted into fat and carefully stored in reserve - in case of a new period of malnutrition. You will therefore quickly regain your former weight and even exceed it.
4. Losing weight means reducing calories
Slimming involves reducing the calorific value of meals so that they burn more than what you eat. However, the appropriate amount of calories should be agreed upon with your doctor or nutritionist. We have different needs depending on age, activity, and type of work. Everyone also has their own rate of burning and converting food into energy. All of this should be taken into account when establishing an individual nutrition program. And you can never reduce the energy content of your meals too drastically.
When the number of calories is too low, the body slows down its metabolic processes - it does this to save energy. In addition, a calorie deficiency that lasts too long causes the body to draw energy from protein - it starts to "eat" its own cells (mainly muscles). It is assumed that 23 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per day is needed to maintain vital functions. To this must be added the energy needed for physical and mental activity.
In total, women need 1800-2400 kcal per day, and men need 2200-3200 kcal (depending on activity). During a diet, we take in fewer calories than we need, but enough so as not to disturb the body. You can safely reduce your daily dose by about 500 kcal.
5 Is a disordered diet safe for your health?
Don't give up when one day you have completely given up your diet. After all, there are situations where it is difficult to maintain restraint - dinner at your mother's house, a party at a friend's house, dinner at a restaurant. You can't help being in the middle of people because of your diet! So if you get caught, don't crack up, start losing weight again the next day, as if nothing had happened. It's better to forgive yourself and move on than to give up.
A positive attitude is a basis for weight loss.
Before you start fighting the pounds, ask yourself some questions. Why do you want to lose weight? Do you just want to stay in a bikini and show off on the beach or is it a lasting effect, improving your health and well-being? How did you lose weight before? Why haven't you been able to lose weight? Take one thing as a starting point: there is no such thing as a miracle diet!
What's more, you've accumulated unnecessary fat reserves over many years - you won't lose them in a few weeks. That's why no miracle diet works. Even if they do help you lose a few pounds, you won't be able to maintain the effect for long if you return to your old eating habits after a diet.
The most the important thing to lose weight is to change the way you think. The first step towards effective weight loss is a positive attitude and the realization that you really want it!
See what we recommend:
6 There is no such thing as a perfect diet.
There is no perfect diet and there is no perfect diet. It all depends on your health, your metabolism, but also on the type of work you do, your habits. Slimming must be adapted to your daily schedule, your abilities and your individual preferences. If you don't like rice, don't force yourself to do it, just replace it with something else. If you are used to eating only lunch when you get home, for example at 7 p.m, don't force yourself to do so, just think about having small meals at work. You decide how much weight you want to lose. The most important thing is that you understand that this is not a punishment, but a new and better way to live.
The 7th diet should be tasty.
The diet cannot be a matter of mortification. If you eat things that do not suit you at all, you will quickly become discouraged. But it is a matter of changing your diet permanently. Eating is a pleasure you should not deprive yourself of. Learn how to prepare food in a way you enjoy. Use herbs, seeds, peanuts. Use unusual combinations, diversify your meals. You may find that you like your diet more than you have eaten before. Also, take your whims into account. It is better to sin and eat a piece of cake now and then to continue to mortify yourself and deprive yourself of everything. A diet that is too strict will one day lead you to throw yourself on food without any restraint. A cube of chocolate will do less harm from time to time.
8. the iron rule in food: small portions, but more often
The daily caloric intake should be spread over several meals. It is preferable to eat 5 times a day, every 3 or 4 hours at most. This will prevent a sudden drop in blood sugar levels (which occurs during long breaks) and what is known as "wolf hunger". It is forbidden to eat only 2 rich dishes a day! Eat each meal slowly, chewing the bite carefully and concentrating on the taste. Whoever eats them slowly, eats less. The brain only receives a signal after about 15 minutes that the hunger has already been satisfied. The dishes you eat are also important. Choose rather small plates, you will eat less. Get up from the table with a slight feeling of dissatisfaction. Avoid trying what you cook, don't eat leftovers. These are iron rules that you should incorporate into your lifestyle once and for all.
9. Increase physical activity
Diet is the basis for weight loss, but without an increase in physical activity, it will be difficult for you. Even the best diet will do nothing if the cells are not getting enough oxygen. The body only processes the ingredients it is given if it has an oxygen - and the more oxygen it receives, the faster it burns.
If you walk 1.5 km of a normal pace, you will lose 150-200 kcal. Regular movement will not only accelerate the burning of calories but will also affect your well-being. If you haven't practiced so far, start with 20-minute doses 3 times a week. Gradually increase your workout to 45-60 minutes. This could be swimming, cycling, aerobics. Choose what you enjoy most.
10 Slowly off the diet
Slimming is only half the success. It's not difficult to survive a few weeks on a diet. You have to keep your weight even lower when you finish it. That's why it's so important to go off the diet slowly.
This involves a gradual increase in calories. During the first 2-3 weeks, increase the calorie value of your meals by 100 kcal. This can be for example an extra portion of rice or oatmeal for dinner or yogurt for breakfast. In total, try to eat about 300 kcal less than your individual daily norm for about 3 months after you have followed the right diet.